“See yourself in the practise you are not able to access right now… imagine yourself in it.” Beloved Shri Dharma Mittra, Yoga Guru
“See yourself in the practise you are not able to access right now… imagine yourself in it.” Beloved Shri Dharma Mittra, Yoga Guru

A regular yoga practice will help towards enhanced health and wellbeing that reaches far beyond being on the mat…
Amenda’s classes are a combination of moving meditation with a strong focus on core strength, alignment and flexibility. Her experience in a variety of physical pursuits is still very present. The one-pointedness and focus of competitive sports, the strength and endurance of a fitness regime as well as the structured discipline of Karate.
Guided by your breath you will hold asanas (poses) to connect with your Self, leaving you feeling enriched and fulfilled. Amenda’s nurturing and ‘hands-on’ approach will support you to get the most out of your practice whatever your ability or level of fitness, without judgement.

Monday – Hatha Gentle
19:00 – 20:15 (BST) Online
Ease into the week with a gentle yoga class which includes pranayama (breathing techniques) and finding stillness in the asana (yoga posture) to help to calm the mind, ready for a good night’s sleep.
Thursday – Slow Flow
18:30 – 19:30
The Hub, Tottenham
A slow flow, moving meditation yoga class, rooted in Hatha-Raja yoga. Move with the breath to find inner calm and relief from stress while building strength and flexibility.

Sunday Yin
Monthly, every first Sunday
18:15 – 19:30 (UK) Online
Yin Yoga is perfect for all levels of abilities including beginners and mature bodies that need extra care. If your life is very active, stressful and ‘yang’ – spend time in, with Sunday Yin.