
‘Without practice, nothing can be achieved’. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali


‘Without practice, nothing can be achieved’. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Attending classes regularly is a great way to keep up your practice but depending where you are on your journey, maybe a yoga course or workshop is worth considering. Throughout the year there are opportunities for absolute beginners and for those who would like to delve deeper into their practice.

Beginning Yoga

Many people are put off starting because they think they need to very flexible or that yoga is not energetic enough.  Sometimes they feel intimidated or not welcome in a yoga studio. Whatever the reason, a Beginning Yoga course is a great way to experience what yoga can do for your health and wellbeing. Whether you are a beginner, haven’t practiced regularly or perhaps you find most classes a little too fast paced – sign up for an hour a week for six weeks to help you come back to the mat, time and time again.

For information on Beginning Yoga.

If you are already on your yoga journey and would to delve a little deeper in your practice or learn something new, a one-off workshop may be of interest.

Hatha Raja Yoga

Hatha Raja yoga leads to greater strength, flexibility and inner peace.
This two hour in-studio session will leave you feeling energised, balanced and content having worked the body and relaxed the mind. Come and full-joy!

For information on Hatha Raja Yoga.

Perhaps you prefer to host a private group or a one-2-one. Enquire now for prices and to book your session.

Click here for more information on private workshops.

Yoga Nidra

A free online guided relaxation

Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation, normally practiced lying down or in a relaxed comfortable position, where you will be guided by the voice to create a sense of stillness and internal peace. Think of Yoga Nidra as an extended delicious Shavasansa, the same as the end of a yoga class but longer.  If you enjoy Shavasana, you’ll love Yoga Nidra.

Book your free spot on the next session.